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  • What should I expect?
    When you come to worship at Living Spirit UC, you will receive a warm welcome. People talk about feeling “at home" at LSUC. You are welcome to bring a coffee or other beverage into our sanctuary.
  • What should I wear?
    When you come to worship, you are welcome no matter what you choose to wear. We do ask however, that you don’t wear scented products as we have members of our congregation allergic to scent.
  • What do we do on Sunday?
    When we gather on Sunday, we... • Sing together • Pray together • Care for each other • Share good news • Listen for God's Word • Leave inspired and refreshed • Try to make the world a better place
  • What about after church?
    After worship, we share Mug and Muffins which includes Fair Trade coffee and tea, as well as homemade goodies. We always have time for food and fellowship. The place hums with conversation about last night’s curling or the Sunday sermon or things that are happening in our lives. It is a time when the community catches up with each other and is a vital part of our worship life. We would love to get to know you better!
  • Do I have to sit in a specific place?
    No seats are marked as “taken” or for someone’s specific use.
  • What about standing, sitting, and kneeling?
    At Living Spirit UC, we sit to listen (sermon, readings, special music that someone plays and sings) and we don’t kneel at LSUC. If you find it confusing, just keep an eye on someone near you and follow what they do.
  • How do I know what is going on?
    The Order of Service with titles of what’s happening are projected on the screen. When it is the congregation’s turn to read or speak, the text is usually bolded. If the Minister and congregation are to say something together usually you will see “(in unison)” after the title. If the congregation is going to sing something, either the hymn (song) is announced or its title appears on the screen.
  • Does the United Church believe in the Bible?
    The Bible is central to the United Church of Canada. It’s at once the holy writings of the Christian tradition, with stories of our ancestors in the faith, a guide for our living, and a source of prayers, songs, and poems. All of this, yet so much more. We often refer to a passage as “the Word of God”. By this we mean the writer was inspired by God. Yet we also know the various books that make up the Bible are the stories of two ancient communities trying to be faithful to God under difficult circumstances – ancient Israel and the early Christian movement – and some of what was experienced and written then doesn’t fir with today’s world. We don’t endorse slavery, for example, or stone those who commit adultery. Nevertheless, in its stories and teachings the Bible has a mysterious power to inform our lives: the story of ancient Israel, a people enslaved, then liberated, who wandered in a wilderness for years, is also the story of our own bondage and alienation. The wisdom of Jesus speaks to us, who are as much in need of healing and liberation today as those he taught and touched 2000 years ago. United Churches offer opportunities for people to study the Bible, privately and in groups. It’s not easy to understand, so the church encourages us to explore the ideas of biblical scholars and others who have studied the Bible in depth.
  • Do people say the prayers?
    Sometimes. The bulletin may say “in unison” when we say it together or we may take turns. The prayers we have a part in are usually displayed at the screens at the front of the Church (there are printouts on the information stand if it is easier for you to read). We all say the Lord’s Prayer together. Often the Minister will say something like “we will pray in the words that Jesus taught us” just before we say the Lord’s Prayer together. If you don’t know the words (or want to check the version- we say it with the extra two lines on the end (For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen) it is found in Voices United (burgundy book) number 921 (top of page). Or it is also displayed on the screen. Sometimes we sing the Lord’s Prayer. The one we most often sing can be found in Voices United #925.
  • How do you present the Psalms (responsive reading during Bible readings) here?
    You have the choice of reading the Psalm in Voices United (burgundy book) or reading it from the screen. For Voices United look for the page number on the upper part of the page. The “R” for refrain is a line of song that we sing. At the beginning the Refrain is sung twice then the reading starts. You read the part in bold. When the “R” is reached, we all sing the refrain.
  • Laughing in Church?
    Yes, if something is funny, laugh!
  • Crying in Church?
    It is okay to cry. Sometimes we hear things or are remembering things that make us feel sad.
  • Clapping in Church?
    Church has changed! Sometimes the minister invites us to welcome the “newly confirmed” or “newly baptized” and we clap then. Sometimes we clap while singing.
  • Singing in Church?
    No you don’t have to. You may feel more comfortable standing and having a hymn book open but you don’t have to sing.
  • Do you have children’s programs?
    We will offer Godly Play: an innovative Montessori based method of faith formation for childhood and beyond. Godly Play allows participants to experience faith building stories through intentional storytelling and imaginative wondering.
  • If I would like a visit from a Minister, what should I do?
    Please leave a message @ 780-898-1457; through Facebook -Living Spirit United Church, Drayton Valley or email:
  • I don’t have any money to put in the collection plate, is that okay?
    Yes, God understands. God’s endless generosity to us encourages our own response to contribute in many ways to God’s mission in God’s world. Time, talents and energy shared are also ways to give!
  • I have money to put into the collection plate, how much should I put in?
    At its best, our giving is a fine blend of passion, compassion and gratitude for the gifts we have been given. We believe the church is engaged in God’s love to the world. We invite you to find the areas where the work of the church intersects with your passion, compassion and gratitude and give as you are able. All donations over $20.00 will be receipted for tax purposes.
  • Should I get envelopes or something for offering?
    We have two options. You can ask for envelopes from our treasurer. Money or cheques made out to Living Spirit United Church can be put in the envelope. Please indicated how you would like the money divided between local church expenses, and the United Church of Canada Church Mission and Service Fund. If you have other special donations that can be written in Other. Please make sure to leave us your name and address to ensure you receive your receipt. The other option is PAR — Pre-authorized remittance (giving). Arrangements can be made to have a certain amount withdrawn from your bank account every month. If circumstances change, you can change the amount. If you arrange to use PAR, but feel uncomfortable not putting something in the collection plate on Sunday, we offer Pre-Authorized Remittance cards for your use. You can take one of those and put it into the collection plate. PAR helps the church manage its budget as your offering comes in every month. A pamphlet on PAR is available with further information. Please see the information under “Donations” for other possibilities.
  • Where is the nearest washroom?
    Midway in the building- north side down a short hallway. Signage outside the door indicates an all-gender space.
  • How physically accessible is the Church?
    Our current church is on ground level and wheelchair/walker accessible. However, our washroom is not.
  • Does LSUC have a Facebook and an email address?
    The Facebook site is: Living Spirit United Church Drayton Valley Our email address is: For Fair Trade inquiries:
  • Do you use wine for communion?
    No, we use grape juice.
  • I am not confirmed or belong to another denomination, can I still take communion?
    Yes, we believe in an “Open Table”. Communion is not open only to those who attend the United Church, but to all those who love God.
  • Can my child take communion?
    At Living Spirit UC, children are welcome to receive communion. We leave it up to the parent(s) to decide if a child is ready to take communion.
  • Do we come up to the front to take communion?
    LSUC offers communion in two different styles. The traditional style has the bread and the grape juice delivered to people in their seats. The people wait to eat or drink together. The “Methodist” style has people pick up bread and grape juice from the servers. The bread is dipped into the juice and consumed there.
  • I am allergic to wheat; will this be a problem for communion?
    Gluten-free bread or crackers are available during communion.
  • What is Confirmation?
    One is considered a full member of the church universal at Baptism. Confirmation is an opportunity to explore spirituality and faith. For those baptized as infants it is an opportunity to affirm their parent's decision to have them baptized. Confirmation at Living Spirit United Church can occur at any age or stage of life. We meet with those wishing to be confirmed over a period of several months leading up to confirmation. We explore our own individual faith journeys, our church life, social justice activities, and community outreach. The journey towards confirmation is open-ended; candidates can decide at the end of the program to make a decision for or against their confirmation. If you are interested in learning more about Confirmation and membership in Living Spirit United Church, please contact us
  • Do you do anything for graduates?
    Graduation is a time of celebration and transition! For those young people associated with LSUC a special Graduate Gift Pack is prepared to honour this occasion. The gift invites the recipient to carry their roots in the UCC forward into the next steps on their journey of life.
  • I would like to get my child or myself baptized, what should I do?
    Please contact us via: Leave a message @780.898.1457 or fill out the form under Milestones/Baptism on this website
  • I would like to get married, what should I do?
    Please contact us via: Leave a message @780.898.1457 or fill out the form under Milestones/Marriages on this website
  • Do you marry same gender couples?
    Living Spirit United Church will marry couples of all gender combinations.
  • How do I book my wedding?
    Please contact the Church Office to book the sanctuary and our Minister. A non-refundable deposit of $100 is required to reserve the time and date requested. It’s important to book early, as more than one wedding may be accommodated in one day
  • Do you offer marriage preparation?
    After booking your wedding date, the minister will be in contact with you to arrange times for marriage and ceremony preparation. Every couple requesting marriage by our Minister is required to participate in marriage preparation. This usually requires meeting with the minister 3-4 times. Alternatives for couples living at a distance can be negotiated. Marriage Preparation is designed to enhance your relationship and help identify strengths or areas needing growth. It is our hope that you will continue to grow in love
  • Where do I get a marriage license?
    In Alberta every couple planning to be married must obtain a marriage license. In Drayton Valley, this license can be obtained at a Registry Office. Phone them for more details before going for your license. It is valid for 3 months and must be issued at least 24 hours prior to the wedding service. We ask that you bring your license to the Church Office one week before the wedding is to take place.
  • Will the Minister put together the service?
    Living Spirit United Church provides an outline of wedding services from which couples may choose. In consultation with the Minister, we encourage you to spend some time shaping a service that is reflective of your relationship and your commitment and hopes for married life together. A Marriage Certificate and copy of the service is provided for each couple upon completion of the ceremony.
  • Can we take photos during the wedding ceremony?
    As your wedding is a service of worship, we ask that no photos be taken during the service itself. An announcement will be made at the beginning of the service to this effect. Photos may be taken during entry and exit of the sanctuary and during the signing of the register. The use of video cameras is permitted if the videographer remains stationary during the worship service.
  • Do you take care of the music during the ceremony?
    The Church Office can put you in contact with an available musician. You may also make your own arrangements for music. A playlist device or CD works well with our sound system. We also have access to microphones for soloists. Please let us know if you require someone to serve as a sound technician.
  • Can we decorate the church for our wedding?
    Elastics or ribbons may be used to attach pew markers, but we ask you to refrain from using masking tape or other sticky substances. Candelabra may be brought in from florists or decorating centres but are to be removed with all decorating materials following the wedding. The church is pleased to receive bouquets of flowers if couples wish to leave them. Flowers may be delivered to the church prior to the wedding taking place. Arrangements need to be made with your florist and the church office to ensure access. Flowers usually come in large boxes with lots of paper, plastic, and lids. Please ensure that these are also removed following the wedding.
  • What about funerals?
    Funerals are ways to say goodbye and to celebrate the life of the person you loved. As Christians we believe that all people are loved by God. Death brings with it grief, separation and decisions that are painful. But our Christian faith and tradition enable us to witness to our faith as we make final arrangements for our loved ones. The church offers a ministry of love and hope to all who grieve. We also recognize the need to gather in community to acknowledge the death of a loved one, to provide comfort to family and friends and to help in the grieving process. We at Living Spirit United Church seek to provide a safe, comfortable, hospitable environment where people are free to express their thoughts and feelings around their loss. Being a community committed to the Christian faith, we offer services that reflect our beliefs. Living Spirit United Church will seek and make available the services of United Church of Canada clergy for funerals of members and non-members subject to the approval of the Pastoral Charge Oversight Minister. Funerals in most cases will be given priority over all other functions. Arrangements for the facility must be arranged through the funeral home, while services of the minister will be arranged through the Council Chair or other member of the Leadership Team. All funerals performed in partnership with Living Spirit United Church will be performed by a called or appointed minister as per our Basis of Union. All fees must be paid in full at the time of the funeral. Any food or beverages required for a reception will be the sole responsibility of those organizing the Funeral or Memorial Service. Flowers are permitted at the funeral service, but arrangements for their delivery and placement must be made with the facility prior to the service. Dispersing of the flowers following the service is the responsibility of whoever is organizing the service, or they can be left for church use. It is the desire of Living Spirit United Church that Funeral or Memorial Services not beheld on Sundays except for extraordinary circumstances.
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